
WELCOME!! I sure hope you’ll take a few moments to peruse through our site. We would LOVE to create something completely unique and extraordinary for you!

I am happily married to a terrific guy, I’m a mother, I am a proud grandmother of one perfect baby girl (so far!), and live up in the wild woods of Northwestern Wisconsin. A true paradise!

Before selling personalized engraved products, I was a teacher for 22 years!! 17 of those years I taught Home Economics (or whatever the latest label is) and the last 5 years I taught remedial reading. Throughout my teaching years, I also worked alongside my husband in our family owned manufacturing company. Since we primarily manufacture testing equipment for land line telecom, the orders dwindled and we looked for alternatives. While my husband was researching laser engraving machines for our company, he had an ‘ah ha moment’ and said to me, “Joni! This is right up your alley!”

I thought I had retired!!  😉

Knowing that I love to design, craft and create gifts, he recognized that this machine would be a dream come true for me…he was absolutely correct! This is the coolest machine ever!

Our shop can engrave and/or cut a multitude of materials, personalize/customize to your specifications, create the final products, then send them on their merry way to your doorstep! We use a CO2 laser. It’s an Epilog Zing 24 which means it is capable of engraving/cutting items that are 12″ x 24″ or less.

Check out our Products page (https://isuengraving.com/shop-2/), or, if you have something particular and unique in mind, feel free to contact me and we can brainstorm together!

We can be reached at ISUengraving@gmail.com